The environment of the snowy backcountry of Whistler, British Columbia, couldn’t be more different from Black Rock Desert in Nevada. But for photographer, filmmaker and director Ryan Kenny and pro-snowboarder Geoff Brown, Burning Man is an event not to be missed.
These two adventurers recently took on the iconic Burning Man with a unique twist: electric-powered UBCO 2X2s. Using these innovative bikes allowed them to navigate the vast desert landscape with ease while also embracing the spirit of radical self-expression and community.
The duo found that the 2X2s were the perfect vehicle for exploring the expansive Burning Man playa. The electric bikes offered a quiet and efficient way to traverse the desert, allowing them to soak in all the sights and sounds of the Black Rock City without disturbing the atmosphere. This method of travel gave Kenny and Brown an edge to see and do things they might not have done on a pedal bike. Knowing they could easily get across the desert to see the next amazing spectacle was motivating. Their best memory? Climbing the scaffolding and seeing the entire city at night for the first time.
One of the most significant benefits of using the 2X2s was the ability to escape the crowds and venture into the remote areas of the playa. The bikes provided a sense of freedom and adventure, allowing Kenny and Brown to explore at their own pace, particularly in the early hours of the morning far away from anyone. Feeling the bike’s speed on the wide open desert terrain become almost therapeutic.
However, the experience wasn’t without its challenges. There was so much to see and do, often in intense temperate extremes. They also wanted to create a harmonious experience for everyone, so were mindful of their speed on the bikes and adhered to the unwritten rules of the playa. Despite the occasional raised eyebrow (the 2X2 being technically an e-moped, not a pedal-powered e-bike), overall most people loved the heavy-duty look of the bikes and the ability to carry supplies, plus the way they performed.
Ultimately, the 2X2s enhanced the Burning Man experience for Kenny and Brown. They provided a reliable, practical and environmentally friendly way to get around, while also adding a touch of futuristic flair to the desert landscape.