To me, Santa Monica Triumph epitomizes the way every powersports shop could be run.
Short-term AWP declines mirrored longer-term year-over-year declines in nearly all categories.
If you can’t run into your customers at Walmart on a Sunday night and feel comfortable, then you’re not doing it right. The soul leads to the sale.
Every staff member can’t know everything. I certainly don’t know everything, but to say, “I don’t know,” is inexcusable.
Used pricing has finally returned to normal levels post-COVID, and normal seasonality has returned.
In an industry where skilled F&I professionals are in high demand, an attractive, fair and equitable pay plan becomes a key tool.
Breaking down the art and science of a well-designed, customer-focused, profit-friendly parts package.
Dealership success hinges on the ability to cultivate a strong F&I culture.
Go out and find the units to dress up — there’s lots of extra profit to be made.
Consumers aren’t delaying purchases because of the economy, but they’re still looking for deals.
Off-roading has become a hot family activity in recent years.
Windshields and fairings aren’t just there to make the bike look good.